
October 8, 2018 New at Meet Berlage: Partnership with Downtown Offices

Since July, Meet Berlage has partnered with Downtown Offices' Warmoesstraat 149 t/m 151 & 155 locations (just around the corner from Meet Berlage) to provide practical management services such as sales, facility management, and so on.
Downtown Offices is an office rental space in two historical buildings that hosts 25 startup and scaleup companies similar to those here at Meet Berlage. The spaces date back to 1600 and have been everything from a merchant's house to a tobacco firm. This partnership brings added value for both communities. 


What's in it for our Meet Berlagians? 

Is your company expanding and you need a bigger office space? Or, maybe you want to upgrade to a private room, but you've heard that Meet Berlage recently reached capacity. Meet Berlage is happy to offer you alternative spaces at the Downtown Offices location — at a special Meet Berlagian price. Want to learn more? Email Meet Berlage Manager, Jean-Pierre, at

What's in it for Downtown Offices tenants?

All Downtown Offices tenants are welcome to use Meet Berlage's facilities for meetings, meetups and events at a discounted rate. They can also meet other entrepreneurs, collaborate, network, and become a part of the Meet Berlage community by joining our daily lunch or at events like Thirstday (coming up this Thursday, 18th October!).